Soccer Player Pathway

The 4-Step Pathway to Premier League Success

Skills Challenge
Skills Assessment

Skills Analysis
Pro Scouting

Welcome to the iSportScouting soccer player pathway

From Skills to Stardom: The 4-Step Pathway to Premier League Success

At iSportScouting, we understand that every soccer player's journey is unique, but the dream remains the same: to reach the highest levels of the game.

Our Soccer Player Pathway is designed to guide you from the early stages of skill development all the way to being scouted by top Premier League academies. .

Here's how it works

The Soccer Player Pathway encompasses four essential steps for players aspiring to reach professional levels, each designed to refine your skills and maximize your exposure to top scouts.

Step 1: Soccer Skills Challenge

The journey begins with the Soccer Skills Challenge. This is perfect for recreational players and those looking to sharpen their abilities.

The challenge focuses on five key skills: running with the ball, sprinting, dribbling, speed and agility, and turning with the ball.

Each skill is assessed individually, and players can track their progress as they work toward mastering these techniques.

By participating in the Soccer Skills Challenge, players not only improve their technical skills but also gain confidence on the field.

Each participant receives a personalized report with feedback from professional coaches, helping them to identify areas for improvement.

The ultimate goal at this stage is to achieve a 5-star rating in each skill.

Step 2: Soccer Skills Assessment

For those players who excel in the Soccer Skills Challenge and earn a 5-star rating, the next step is the Soccer Skills Assessment.

This stage is designed for more advanced players who are serious about taking their game to the next level.

The Soccer Skills Assessment focuses on higher-level technical skills and is conducted by professional coaches and scouts.

Unlike the Soccer Skills Challenge, this assessment is more rigorous and does not include shooting challenges.

Instead, the focus is on real-game scenarios where players' abilities in passing, tackling, dribbling, and overall game intelligence are evaluated.

This assessment is critical for players aiming to get noticed by Premier League scouts.

Step 3: Player Skills Analysis

As players progress through the Soccer Skills Assessment, they have the opportunity to upload their game footage for further evaluation.

This Game Performance Analysis is a vital part of the assessment process, where the iSportScouting team tags and analyzes various in-game actions, including:

  • Passes completed and unsuccessful
  • Tackles won and lost
  • Headers won and lost
  • Shots on and off target
  • Goals scored
  • Fouls conceded and awarded

This detailed analysis provides a comprehensive overview of a player's performance, offering invaluable insights that go beyond simple technical drills.

By focusing on real-game situations, players can understand how their skills translate into match conditions, which is crucial for scouts looking for potential Premier League talent.

Professional Scouting

The final step in the Soccer Player Pathway is Professional Scouting.

After excelling in the Soccer Skills Assessment and providing in-game performance data, players' results and stats become accessible to Premier League scouts who are actively seeking new talent.

This step is crucial for those aspiring to play at the highest levels, as it bridges the gap between youth development and professional recruitment.

Scouts will have access to your challenge scores and detailed in-game performance analysis, including key metrics such as successful passes, tackles, goals, and more.

This visibility allows scouts to evaluate your potential in real-time, offering you the chance to be noticed by top-tier clubs.

By successfully completing the Soccer Player Pathway, you position yourself directly in front of the decision-makers who can make your professional soccer dreams a reality.

Your Path to Professional Soccer

Your Gateway to the Professional World of Soccer

The Soccer Player Pathway at iSportScouting is more than just a series of tests—it's a structured approach to achieving your dreams.

Whether you’re starting with the Soccer Skills Challenge or advancing through the Soccer Skills Assessment, each step is designed to help you grow as a player and increase your chances of being scouted by top academies.

By participating in our pathway, you’re not just improving your skills; you’re setting yourself up for success in the world of professional soccer. Register today, take the first step, and see where your talent can take you.

Getting Started

Sign Up

If you're committed to advancing your soccer career and ready to take the next step, the Soccer Player Pathway provides the perfect platform to develop your skills, showcase your talent, and get noticed by professional scouts.

To sign up click the "Get started" button below.

Get Started

What Coaches Are Saying

Paul Cox - Ex-Pro Player, EFL Manager
Oct 20, 2023

Paul Cox - Ex-Pro Player, EFL Manager

Having been in the football/soccer industry for 30+ years I can honestly say there is no better way to develop players than iSportScouting.

Brian Lee - Scout
Jan 17, 2024

Brian Lee - Blackpool FC Scout

iSportScouting is a game-changer for coaches, players, and scouts. It's a must-have for smarter recruiting and effective player development.

What Parents And Players Are Saying

Feb 20, 2024

Parent - Hindley Town Bulls (u9s)

We have finished reading through the report and thank you so much for taking the time to put all the lads through. We have fed parts of it back to Arthur so he knows what he could do if he wants to improve. The level of detail means that he is under no illusion as to what he could do to build his skills. I think he dad has enjoyed it too because it has given him an indication of what they could play in the garden to help Arthur improve as well as little things like getting out on the bikes more or running. Thanks again for indulging his love of football and coaching in a way that not only makes them better players so they can enjoy playing more competitively but makes them better sportsmen.

Feb 22, 2024

Parent - Hindley Town Bulls (u9s)

We are really impressed with the standards of professionalism shown by yourself Brian, we find it speaks volumes in regards to your committment and relationship you are building with Charlie and the team. You don’t only highlight his best qualities on the pitch you also state what he has to work towards and how there is room for improvement meaning his training sessions will always have a purpose and and the end goal to always achieve better which I find gives charlie motivation and determination to be the best he can be. Football is more than a hobby to Charlie, it is his whole life, his complete passion and dream and with this kind of training, guidance and understanding I hope one day he will achieve his goals. We are looking forward to the next one to see how he has grown and we trust the process completely

Feb 20, 2024

Parent - Hindley Town Bulls (u9s)

Troy was over the moon when he found out that he had scored too marks in the shooting challenge. This has really helped with confidence and we have seen a positive impact on both training and in matches as he now knows what he needs to work on and is very keen to do so.

Feb 21, 2024

Cullen – Hindley Town Bulls u9s player

The Soccer Skills Assessment was really fun! I got to practice my dribbling, passing, and shooting, and it made me feel like a real football star. It's definitely helped me become a better player, and I can't wait for more challenges!

Feb 20, 2024

Ben – Hindley Town Bulls u9s player

The iSportScouting report is an excellent way of recording and documenting your childs progress in football, from the skills challenge incorporating key disciplines like running, turning, speed, dribbling, heading and shooting to the assessment showcasing what areas your child is proficient in and more importantly the areas your child needs to work on and develop, the report gives you the ingredients to improve which ultimately every parent would want for their child, looking forward to further reports to benchmark the progress made, thank you iSport and Brian.